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Service Details

Business Analysis & Reporting

Exalt provides title insurance, coordination, escrow, and recording services for forward-thinking real estate companies and mortgage lenders.

Decrease Costs, Increase Efficiency

With features such as instant fee disclosures and a dashboard to manage transactions you can lower your time to close by an average of 25%. Free up your team to close more loans. We’re a true partner with the expertise to enable your vision. We create the workflow that's right for you, and then automate it.

Our tech and team of title experts make managing transactions a breeze. We help streamline your workflows—which makes your team more efficient and lowers costs.

Move Faster and Lower Your Costs

Exalt is transforming how real estate transactions work. We offer real estate businesses the tools they need to scale and stay on top of all aspects of a transaction, and give homeowners peace of mind. But our larger purpose extends beyond that.

We want to simplify a 150-year-old industry to make it the way it was intended—fair, straightforward, affordable—and improve the quality of people's lives.

A Better Design Experience for Better Profit

We've built an exceptional candidate experience in order to help you convert as many candidates as possible. In our mobile-friendly candidate portal, your potential hires can track the status of their background check, find answers to questions, and connect with a dedicated live support team to ensure a smoother, faster hiring process.

Our technology helps you customize reporting based on exactly the charges you set as relevant to the job you're hiring for. That means a broader talent pool and a potential for more candidates with the skills and experience you need.

Powered By Dedicated Expertise

With features such as instant fee disclosures and a dashboard to manage transactions you can lower your time to close by an average of 25%. Free up your team to close more loans. We’re a true partner with the expertise to enable your vision. We create the workflow that's right for you, and then automate it.

Our tech and team of title experts make managing transactions a breeze. We help streamline your workflows—which makes your team more efficient and lowers costs.

Our Experts

Get in touch with our experts to discuss how we can work together to solve any of your challenges

Robison Croso

Endrina Armstra

Endrina Armstra

Managing Director

David Kemeron

Finance Expert

Maria Johnson

Marketing Director

Morkin Diruga

Analysis Expert

Nilima Gattiya

Support Engineer