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Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the cultural, organizational and operational change of an organization, industry or ecosystem through a smart integration of digital technologies, processes and competencies across all levels and functions . Digital transformation models to fully leverage the changes and opportunities of a mix of digital technologies and their accelerating impact across society in a strategic and prioritized way, with present and future shifts in mind.

Digital Transformation Areas

Digital transformation in the integrated and connected sense which it requires can, among, others, touch upon the transformation of:


Digital disruption

Digital disruption is mainly used in the sense that an industry, way of doing business or ecosystem (e.g. societal) is significantly challenged by existing (mostly tech) companies, newcomers or incumbents who have mastered digital business skillsets and came up with solutions, business models and approaches that cause a significant shift in customer behavior and market context, requiring existing players (which can include ‘digital businesses’) to change their strategies as well.

1Technological innovations (technology-induced)

which are more impactful than ever before. However, again, it’s not the technology that drives the disruption or transformation. It’s how it is used and adopted by customers, partners, competitors and various stakeholders. Technologies with clear disruption potential include IoT, artificial intelligence, edge computing, virtual and augmented reality and blockchain. However, the most disruptive potential occurs when they get combined and enable new applications as we see in the convergence of AI, IoT and big data analytics. In industrial transformation the convergence of IT and OT is also a game changer.

2Customer behavior and demands

This so-called customer-induced transformation and disruption is not necessarily related to technology. Technology often enables or, as just mentioned, causes it, when adopted and turned into business challenges. An example of a force that drives digital transformation and is not caused by technology but merely strengthened by it in combination with other factors: the demand of customers for ease of use and simplicity in dealing with businesses is far older than today. It goes back to times when even the Internet didn’t exist. In that sense, digital transformation can be simply catching up too because businesses don’t have another option anymore (it’s not as if they didn’t know the importance of making interactions and support for customers easy and frictionless decades ago). Customer behavior and needs can also be impacted by disruptions on a societal level.

3Innovation- and invention-induced. Entirely

Entirely novel approaches to human and business challenges, as well as innovations and inventions that create a new reality, whether it’s in science, business, technology or even a non-technological context of true innovation can be disruptive. The invention of medicines that change healthcare and society (as has happened several times in the past), the printing press, the train, what can be next? Your best bet is probably in life sciences and the application of technology within the human body and mind.


Organizations are part of broader ecosystems: business ecosystems and the social and natural ecosystems in which they – and we – live. Economical changes, demands from partners who want you to adapt, evolutions towards collaborations in transformational business ecosystems, regulatory changes (consider the transformational impact of the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR for example), geo-political changes, societal shifts, unexpected events such as natural disasters or even a pandemic as the impact of COVID on digital transformation and on society overall showed, they all can impact and drive the need for digital transformation as ample research on the acceleration of digital transformation in the new normal showed.

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