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Future Science Innovation ecosystem is a network of stakeholders that connect online and interact digitally in ways that create value for all. Our digital ecosystem extends across multiple industries.

The Mindset That Ecosystems Require

Traditional strategy thinking relies on command and control, with established metrics and layers of decision making that can make change as slow as steering a tanker ship. In contrast, in a world of ecosystems, a company surrenders some control so that it can play with other stakeholders in a decentralized network. It’s an environment that rewards resiliency, sensing changes in rapidly shifting markets, and responding nimbly.

Instead of concentrating on linear supplier, customer, and distributor relationships, companies that adopt an ecosystem mindset focus on adding value in new ways to many more stakeholders. They look at how each party in the ecosystem can bring value to the other parties.At the heart of every digital ecosystem is a platform business model.

Drivers of the ecosystems of the future

Establishing a new platform and plugging into ecosystems requires executives to rethink traditional modes of business. Getting used to these kinds of arrangements requires executives to have a very different attitude about business. In addition to seeking profits, participants in ecosystems must also be oriented around a collective purpose. The resulting efforts accelerate innovation and the delivery of value. Beyond adopting a platform view of business, another prerequisite to work effectively in a world of digital ecosystems is building a resilient organization.

Ecosystem Roles

Business Model Innovation and Entry into New Businesses

Ecosystem approach can enable enterprises to launch new business models to generate new revenue streams. When a company collects digital data (especially customer data) that might be valuable to other entities, the data can provide an entry into new businesses.

Strategy to Orchestrate a Digital Ecosystem

Our Characteristics:

Value Creation and Customer Centricity

1Customer Insights

Gathering (data-based) insights on our customers, their needs, drivers and behaviors, profiling of personas as representatives of your target customer groups.

2Customer Value Co-creation

Creating value jointly with customers, developing winning use cases for the digital age and thereby strengthening your customer relationship.

3Value proposition design

Developing offerings that customers want, based on their pain points and jobs-to-be-done.

4Value quantification

Understanding value drivers and financial benefit generated.

5Value based pricing

Collaboratively and transparently design pricing schemes based on the quantified value generated for our customers.

6Customer Success

Monitoring and driving customer KPIs and making sure voice of customer feedback is effectively being captured and used to improve products, services and the relationship.

Our Experts

Get in touch with our experts to discuss how we can work together to solve any of your challenges

Robison Croso

Endrina Armstra

Endrina Armstra

Managing Director

David Kemeron

Finance Expert

Maria Johnson

Marketing Director

Morkin Diruga

Analysis Expert

Nilima Gattiya

Support Engineer