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Rethinking strategies and leveraging innovative digital solutions to solve your transportational challenges


The importance of transportation and logistics is constantly increasing while infrastructure is aging and technology is changing rapidly. Technological progress offers solutions and strategies to solve your challenges from growing transportation volumes, changing regulations or focusing on passenger experience.

We support you in mastering your transformation by rethinking strategies and related business models, tapping into new ecosystems or integrating technologies like IoT

Our focus areas

3PL, Shipping


No two industries are the same. Partner with us to overcome the unique challenges facing Transportation & Logistics today


Complex challenges require smart solutions. Tap into our service portfolio for tangible results that deliver impact.

1Digital Asset Management

We advise our clients on asset, inventory management and maintenance strategies driven by connectivity, monitoring, digital processes and data analytics.

2Concept Design and Customer Value Co-Creation

We design concepts jointly with our clients to identify the right levers & achieve highest impact, e.g. which assets can deliver highest returns through digitalization for respective business strategy.

3Proof of Concept Industrialization

We can accurately model results and provide proof of concept before construction, e.g. via digital twin initiatives.

4Digital Maturity Assessment

Create self-awareness by leveraging Siemens IoT expertise and advanced assessment tools for your digital success; We screen your operations and develop a roadmap to reach your full digital potential.

5CyberSecurity Quick Check

We develop strategies and models with our clients to assure security against online threats.

6Predictive & Prescriptive Maintenance

We enable you to avoid downtime with diagnostic modeling that predicts failures before they occur.

7Digital Business Modelling

Discover paths to monetization starting from customer-focused value propositions and developed in fast iterations to scalable products.

8Digital Transformation Strategy Roadmap

Accompanying your journey towards IoT enabled logistics with proven strategies and transformational planning.

9Digital Fleet & Network Optimization

Build your tailored global logistics system with state-of-the-art concepts and technologies for higher efficiency and effectiveness of logistics performance with minimum lead time.

Our Experts

Get in touch with our experts to discuss how we can work together to solve any of your challenges

Robison Croso

Endrina Armstra

Endrina Armstra

Managing Director

David Kemeron

Finance Expert

Maria Johnson

Marketing Director

Morkin Diruga

Analysis Expert

Nilima Gattiya

Support Engineer