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Usher in a new age of production, working together towards holistic digital transformation and data-driven innovation


We are living on the verge of a new industrial revolution, driven by automation and digitalization. Discover how we can empower you leveraging data and technology, to innovate more rapidly and successfully transform your business.


Aluminum, Chemicals, Cement, Food & beverage, Heavy Industries, Machine builder


No two industries are the same. Partner with us to overcome the unique challenges facing Industrial Manufacturing


Complex challenges require smart solutions. Tap into our service portfolio for tangible results that deliver impact.

1Offline to online sales

Adapt your sales strategy, organization and tools to address the increasing B2C-like expectations in B2B environments.

2Transformation of PLM

React with speed and agility to changing customer demands by optimizing organization, processes and tool chain.

3Data strategy & new business models

Identify the value of data to your organization and introduce new data-driven offerings and business models.

4Partnering & Ecosystem build-up

Define your role and strengths in an increasingly complex competitive environment and select the right ecosystem partners to deliver maximum customer value.

5IoT roadmap & implementation

Find the right IoT technologies for your needs and drive implementation of IoT solutions for yourself and your customers.

6Edge & cloud solutions

Identify your needs for edge & cloud and drive the transformation from your legacy tools and infrastructure.

7Lean Digital Company

Leverage the power of digital technologies like AI and RPA across all your business functions to increase performance and drive down cost.

8Zero-touch factory

Define your concept to digitalize and automate production in greenfield and brownfield scenarios.

Our Experts

Get in touch with our experts to discuss how we can work together to solve any of your challenges

Robison Croso

Endrina Armstra

Endrina Armstra

Managing Director

David Kemeron

Finance Expert

Maria Johnson

Marketing Director

Morkin Diruga

Analysis Expert

Nilima Gattiya

Support Engineer