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Create a better environment and improve quality of life across all areas of Cities & Infrastructure

How can we improve city life? Maximize city potential, drive digitalization and leverage data in an increasingly complex ecosystem. Let’s define and implement the right strategy together: as a city or district, developer, investor, infrastructure operator, technology player or a city-related service provider.


No two industries are the same. Partner with us to overcome the unique challenges facing Cities & Infrastructure.


* Smart Street Lighting
* Smart Traffic
* Intelligent Traffic Systems



Complex challenges require smart solutions. Tap into our service portfolio for tangible results that deliver impact.

1Urban development

Develop a city or district vision and respective strategy and define, evaluate and prioritize use cases and technologies for solutions ready to be implemented.

2Holistic digital transformation

Transform and optimize your city infrastructure and operations, including transportation, water & wastewater, buildings and more – while ensuring cybersecurity.

3Program and change management

Support initiatives from concept to implementation with program and change management, providing stability by applying agile methods and involving key stakeholders in a cities and district’s ecosystem.

4Citizen engagement & experience

Understand citizens and their journeys to realize greater engagement and experience. Involve them in developing people-centric cities and needs-based services.

5Innovative business opportunities and models

Develop innovative business models (e.g., platform-based), utilizing the power of data and new technologies to define respective monetization and go-to-market strategies.

6City performance

Make educated infrastructure investment decisions, identifying which technologies best fit a city’s performance baseline in order to mitigate CO₂ emissions and improve air quality.

7Decarbonization strategies

Develop business models to decarbonize and apply new technologies to achieve deep carbon reductions, e.g., including innovative ways of utilizing excess energy.

Our Experts

Get in touch with our experts to discuss how we can work together to solve any of your challenges

Robison Croso

Endrina Armstra

Endrina Armstra

Managing Director

David Kemeron

Finance Expert

Maria Johnson

Marketing Director

Morkin Diruga

Analysis Expert

Nilima Gattiya

Support Engineer