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Building innovative, data-driven digital businesses and products that deliver excellence to their clients


Our approach starts with our clients: we support your individual journey and experience, embracing digitization and data to optimize your services, innovation and product portfolio. We support your organization from idea to concept design and prototyping. We define and recommend promising IoT use cases, services and business models to successfully commercialize and position new offerings in the market. In doing so, we help build your digital business with the right product portfolio while managing R&D costs.


Innovation is a journey and we are your reliable partner for you to begin yours. Unlock new areas for growth, tailor your investments and frame a structure for incubation and start-up building together with us.

Our team rethinks existing products and business models, combines them with the power of our partner ecosystem, and turn the resulting ideas into tangible prototypes that create unique digital experiences for your clients. By tapping into digital experience insights, we will connect you to emerging trends that inspire and enable you to continue growing in digital environments.


Our Experts

Get in touch with our experts to discuss how we can work together to solve any of your challenges

Robison Croso

Endrina Armstra

Endrina Armstra

Managing Director

David Kemeron

Finance Expert

Maria Johnson

Marketing Director

Morkin Diruga

Analysis Expert

Nilima Gattiya

Support Engineer


Service business is a driver of growth and can significantly contribute to your company’s profitability. Yet the service sector is changing quickly.

To overcome the challenges on the horizon, our experts deliver innovative solutions of high-impact, that help your business maximize growth and customer satisfaction. From the development of new service offerings to the design and implementation of the right operations concepts, we help your organization to tap into new growth areas

1Service Strategy & Portfolio

Develop and deliver highimpact, innovative service portfolio to maximize profitable growth and customer satisfaction.

2Service Process Excellence

Establish best-in-class e2e service processes for global service delivery to maximize customer satisfaction, building on best practices for "how to do it", "how to measure it" & "how to improve it".

3Service Organization & People

Establish a modern service organization to tap into the growth potential of service and to ensure scalability in the organization.

4Digital Service

Develop and adapt digital services using technology driven service innovation to serve changing customer needs.

Our Experts

Get in touch with our experts to discuss how we can work together to solve any of your challenges

Robison Croso

Endrina Armstra

Endrina Armstra

Managing Director

David Kemeron

Finance Expert

Maria Johnson

Marketing Director

Morkin Diruga

Analysis Expert

Nilima Gattiya

Support Engineer


Unlocking the power of digital technology is a key value driver for all companies, regardless of size or industry. Our experts enable organizations to fully understand the value of their data, drawing on diverse backgrounds and project experience to generate and implement ideas for data-driven use cases with tailored, state-of-the-art algorithms.

From predictive analytics to conversational AI and Blockchain, our solutions ensure usability and positive user experience through the creation of interactive and secure dashboards, web interfaces, or mobile applications. Use cases are developed in close collaboration with our clients; we include and train your employees to capture their experience and broaden their skillset, readying them to face the challenges of a digitalized business.

1Advanced Analytics & AI

Enable organizations to fully utilize the value of data — from training people and increasing dataliteracy to developing and deploying use cases and solutions.

2Cyber Security

Secure businesses against threats in an increasingly digital world by assessing risks, developing cyber strategies, and providing systemic and component level support along the entire cyber journey.

3UX/UI & Rapid Prototyping

Develop and test minimum viable products and proof-of value in an agile way while focusing on interaction design and usability.


Increase Blockchain literacy, jointly ideate to identify right use cases & successfully implement blockchain technology to benefit from an economy that is increasingly using peer-to-peer interactions.

Our Experts

Get in touch with our experts to discuss how we can work together to solve any of your challenges

Robison Croso

Endrina Armstra

Endrina Armstra

Managing Director

David Kemeron

Finance Expert

Maria Johnson

Marketing Director

Morkin Diruga

Analysis Expert

Nilima Gattiya

Support Engineer


Turning innovative ideas into commercially successful offerings requires flexibility and speed. Portfolio management must be guided by a stringent focus on balancing customer value with necessary but costly portfolio complexity to ensure profitability. Understanding the dynamics within target market segments is key.

This understanding enables businesses to position products successfully against competitors' offerings, optimize a single product's business case, prioritize R&D budgets, and derive modular product/system architectures to quickly react to changing market requirements. The trend to Software-centric architectures shifts paradigms in previously mechatronics oriented organizations.

1Market-driven modularization

Derive modular product/ system architectures that deliver the product variety customers demand.


Find the optimal balance between controlling cost drivers and delivering added value for your customers.

3Product Cost Optimization

Close cost gaps by considering all cost drivers including a critical consideration of minimum customer requirements.

4Complexity Management

Decide on new product variants and phase-outs based on commercial benefits and gain transparency on the generated portfolio complexity cost.

5R&D Budgeting

Prioritize your R&D budget allocation considering a profitable product portfolio and strategic objectives securing your future business.

6Model-based Systems Engineering

Develop a structured approach to generating a digital product twin along the engineering process.

6Software-centric Systems Architecting

Implement modular system architectures in which software has become the leading element, and manage the paradigm change in your organization.

Our Experts

Get in touch with our experts to discuss how we can work together to solve any of your challenges